New baby announcement.

San Diego Baby Photographer.

This is an official announcement of a new baby (#3) in the Beransky Family.

I’m happy to share a bit of personal news.

A baby boy will be joining our family at the start of March 2017 or possibly end of February 2017. We are very excited about this and really can’t wait to have a baby again. And the fact that it’s a boy, makes it even more interesting for the whole family.

New baby announcement

When we started our family, the initial plan was to eventually have three kids. My husband had made a list preferences of how he would like the kids’ genders to be.

First came three boys in a triplet; the second option was two boys one girl… And that was pretty much all his of options/wishes.  I asked what about options of having two girls and one boy or three girls. He said, a boy should have a brother and if we are going for three kids total, he is not considering those options. Well, I laughed!  You can’t really control or predict these things (or can control for a really expensive cost). And we let Nature go its way.

So when our first daughter, Michelle was born, it was such a great feeling to have a baby girl. We were (and still are) pretty happy.  That’s why when during the second pregnancy we found out that it’s going be another girl, we weren’t too upset. We already knew that girls are fun! Besides, a girl needs a sister and we were excited to see how Michelle would fit the role of big sister. By the way you can see Michelle’s  announcement from 2 years ago here.   She has proved many times over how good of a big sister she is.

Now she is 4.5 and her little sis’ Mia is 2.5 and they are not only best friends, Michelle is a really awesome mentor and a playmate. She cares about her little sister a lot and is so proud that she was the one who taught her to speak. And it’s true. They chat all day about stuff, and I’ve noticed that if Michelle mispronounces some words (which is too cute and I’m not in a hurry to correct), Mia does the same. This means Mia repeats more what her big sister says, rather then what we say.

Well.  With the third pregnancy, it was a little risky since there was a chance of ending up with three girls.  We don’t mind girls, but… we really wished for not a girl… for all those reasons that people do.  And of course, as much as we enjoy having two girls, we also want to experience what’s it’s like to have a boy.

This time I read and followed all old wife’s tales out there, considered all possible calendars that suppose to “predict” a baby’s gender and etc. It may sound silly, but it’s not like it’d hurt the cause, right?  And this time around everything we did was a pure calculation and strategy.  And it worked!  Of course we will never know what exactly worked if at all, but we are still grateful for the outcome!

Personally, for now, I have no idea what to do with boys! And everybody tells me that it’s so much easier with boys.  Still, I’ll take any tip and advice you can spare.

I would also be happy to hear a story of how your own transitioned from two to three was.  Was it hard?  Harder then from one to two? Anything you wish you knew before going for a third kid?

P.S. Michelle and Mia are already excited to have a baby brother. Michelle talks about it a lot.  Mia will probably be a little sad to transfer her title of “baby”  to the baby brother, but I’m sure it’s going be a good change in her life.